
We are leftists here, which means we have radical takes like "Not everything can be solved with a rousing speech - Life is more complicated than an 'everybody clapped' moment on a plane”

Naturally Cooperative

As an anarcho-communist, I have the opinion that humans are naturally cooperative. It's rooted in Kropotkin's book "Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution". Mutual aid, supporting your community as the community supports you, is an evolutionary factor that confers benefits onto species that incorporate i...

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The Gang Does Always Sunny

Last week we had a chance to watch an episode of "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" and talk about all the great and totally hilarious and not at all problematic shock comedy in it.

Jack's Notes:

  • Straight from the title card, the showrunners are indicating that they are making an episode ba...

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We are leftists here, which means we have radical takes like "Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s right and just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean it is wrong.”

Copyright HegePod 2022